First, it must be stated that the musical Instrument called Piano belongs to the percussion family of Instruments. It is made up of two types of keys-The White Keys and The Black Keys.
The white keys are called Naturals. There are only 7 white keys on the piano, the rest are just repetitions of the 7 white keys. They are; C-D-E-F-G-A-B
Note: There is no ‘H’. Only the 7 first English alphabets are used.
The black keys are called Accidentals. They are dependent on the white keys for their names. That is, the position of a black key determines the name of that black key. To give a Black Key a name, you either add #(Sharp) or b(Flat) to the name of a white key.
#(Sharp) is used when the Black key comes immediately after the white key.
b(Flat) is used when the Black key comes before a white key.
Having understand this, you might have discovered that a black key could be named with both a #(sharp) and also a b(flat). Well, you are right!
An Octave is a conglomeration or combination of 8 white keys. But it’s not just any 8 white keys. Now how do the 8 white keys being referred to here? This is how-
Look at a piano in front of you, look for a set of ‘only two black keys’. Hold unto the first of the two black keys. The white key directly below that black key is called ‘C’.
Now from ‘C’, move towards the right to the next white key, which would be ‘D’. Then move again to the next white key towards the right, which would be ‘E’. Keep doing this with the knowledge of musical alphabets and when you get to ‘C’, stop.
Now that’s an octave


Lessons By:

Awoyomi Tolulope