Are you starting to learn playing the piano by yourself, but can’t quite figure out how to properly place your fingers on the piano keys? This lesson will guide you through the recommended proper finger placement on the keyboard

Memorize the piano finger numbering system.Fingers are numbered to make it easier to write down finger placement on sheet music. It also helps explaining proper piano finger placement. The numbering of fingers is the same for both left and right hands. The numbering system is as follows:

*.Thethumbfinger is number 1.

*.Theindexfinger is number 2.

*.Themiddlefinger is number 3.

*.Theringfinger is number 4.

*.Thepinkyfinger is number 5.

.Put finger 1 on the middle C note key.

.Put finger 2 on D, 3 on E, 4 on F, 5 on G.This is known as theGoing up pattern.

.Play the notesC-D-E-F-G using the current finger placement.

.Move finger 1 to the right, and below the other fingers just when your finger 5 starts to go down to hit the G note key.

.Pass finger 1 under finger 5 to play the next A note.

7.Repeat the five finger order outlined before so that finger 2 presses B, 3 on C5, 4 on D5, and 5 on E5.

8.Repeat the previous pattern until you reach the end of the keyboard.